
Photo of two African children smiling.

2022 Fall Report to Stakeholders

2022 Fall Report to Stakeholders SERVING “THE LEAST OF THESE” Grace4Kenya completed its first full calendar year as a charitable foundation in 2021. Thanks to the financial support of over 100 individuals, families, and churches, we were able to award almost $325,000 in grants for health, education, and faith in 2021 and approximately $292,000 in…

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Photo of Jill and Tom Moller at Greentree Community Church

Mission Sunday at Greentree Community Church (Video)

On Mission Sunday, in September 2021 at Greentree Community Church, Tom and Jill shared the vision and mission of Grace4Kenya. They tell how Grace4Kenya got started, lessons they have learned from being short-term missionaries to Kenya, and describe the 4 branched approach of addressing health, education, faith, and opportunity in one of the poorest counties…

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Photo of Board of Directors

G4K Information Zoom Session with Q&A (Video)

At the end of our first year in November 2021, a few board members did this 25 minute presentation that will inform you about how and why Grace4Kenya was started, describe the lifestyle of the people we serve, and outline the 4 branches of the mission: Health, Education, Faith, and Opportunity. It is followed by…

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Ground Breaking for George Kendagor Christian Academy

Ground Breaking for George Kendagor Christian Academy Temporary classroom As George Kendagor Christian Academy (GKCA) grew over the past decade it had to expand into temporary buildings.  The Kenyan government now requires that all classroom have to be housed in permanent buildings.  Grace4Kenya is raising funds to build a 10-classroom permanent building to house the…

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