Who We Serve

Who We Serve
Decorating yogurt gourd
Inventive shoes
Plaiting hair
About West Pokot County Kenya
Grace4Kenya serves the people of West Pokot County located in the Rift Valley of Kenya. It is an impoverished, rural area with limited access to healthcare and quality education. The following statistics are provided by West Pokot County Integrated Development Plan (2018-2022).

Farming by hand

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Photo of Mt. Elgon stone house
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Animals sharing the well

1 to 1,563
The ratio of healthcare workers to population is 1 to 1,563 compared to 1 to 400 recommended by the World Health Organization
15 Miles
The average distance to the nearest health facility is 15 miles and most people do not have transportation
Only 13% of the women get the recommended 4 antenatal care visits during pregnancy
1 to 1,563
The ratio of healthcare workers to population is 1 to 1,563 compared to 1 to 400 recommended by the World Health Organization
15 Miles
The average distance to the nearest health facility is 15 miles and most people do not have transportation
Only 13% of the women get the recommended 4 antenatal care visits during pregnancy
Women carrying water

Only 43% of the babies under the age of one are fully immunized
Only 30% of the people are literate
1 to 52
Primary school teacher to student ratio is 1 to 52
Only 43% of the babies under the age of one are fully immunized
Only 30% of the people are literate
1 to 52
Primary school teacher to student ratio is 1 to 52
Orphans at GKCA