What We Do

What We Do
People of Morkorio gathering for the mobile clinic

What We Do

People of Morkorio gathering for the mobile clinic

What sets Grace4Kenya apart from many other missions is that we have chosen to develop a four-branched “holy-istic” approach of health, education, faith, and financial opportunity. The individual grants include both charitable aid and community development that can be replicated in other villages and counties.

Graphic - Grace4Kenya Tree



Mobile Outreach Medical Clinics
Bendera Clinic and Hospital
Community Health Evangelism



George Kendagor Christian Academy
Primary School Sponsors
Higher Education scholarships



Bible Faith Church Denomination (BFC)
BFC Bible College
Church planting and Pastor support



Community Health Evangelism
Vocational training scholarships
Business start-ups & Microfinance



- Mobile Outreach Medical Clinics
- Bendera Clinic and Hospital
- Community Health Evangelism



- George Kendagor Christian Academy
- Primary School Sponsors
- Higher Education scholarships

Graphic - Grace4Kenya Tree



- Bible Faith Church Denomination (BFC)
- BFC Bible College
- Church planting and Pastor support



- Community Health Evangelism
- Vocational training scholarships
- Business start-ups & Microfinance


Mobile Outreach Medical Clinics

Private donors and the Grace4Kenya Founders started the BFC mobile medical clinics and have supported them since 2007. Each month the medical team visits and sets up a temporary clinic for the day in one of four remote villages. They provide free well baby immunizations, prenatal care, and medical care for people of all ages with acute illnesses. In 2020, the mobile clinics provided 2,000 free visits for medical care to the people in West Pokot County who otherwise would not have had access to medical care. The average cost of running these clinics is $2/person/visit.

Bendera Clinic and Hospital

The Bible Faith Church (BFC) Medical Dispensary in Bendera was started as an organizational headquarters for the mobile clinics and has grown to a full-time clinic offering well-baby care, pre- and post-natal care, and urgent care for illnesses and emergencies. It includes its own laboratory and pharmacy. In 2020, the clinic had 2100 outpatient visits, treated 150 overnight ER patients, and delivered 60 babies in the Kapenguria community, the largest city in West Pokot County. After a decade of providing care, the clinic has become self-sustaining.

BFC Bendera Hospital was constructed in 2019-2020 to accommodate the outpatient clinic and Emergency Room on the ground floor and then add maternity, pediatric and adult care as funding, furnishing, and staffing allows. As of the first quarter of 2021, over seventy babies have been delivered and over 200 people treated overnight in the ER. The hospital was approved early in 2021 as a level 3b non-surgical 24-bed inpatient hospital. Thanks to a generous donation, the Maternity Ward will be fully furnished and equipped in the second quarter of 2021, so that it can function on its own floor instead of in the ER. The pediatric ward and adult rooms still need funding for furnishings and equipment.

Community Health Evangelism (CHE)

In 2012 members of the Kenyan medical team were trained in the global strategy of Community Health Evangelism (chenetwork.org) and started a pilot program in the village of Kaprom which was already being served by the mobile clinics. Through local training conferences held at the BFC Bible College, CHE has now expanded to other villages in the county. CHE integrates discipleship and church planting with disease prevention and community-based development. Community Health Evangelism (CHE) is a Christ-centered educational program that is being used by churches and organizations in 126 countries. CHE equips communities to identify issues and mobilize resources to achieve positive, sustainable change. Lives and communities are transformed as people come to Christ and work together to address local needs.


George Kendagor Christian Academy

was started over a decade ago and now serves about 350 students from preschool through grade 8. The rapid and consistent growth of the primary school has resulted in many classrooms being located in “temporary” buildings. Due to a recent change in government regulations of schools, the government is now requiring schools to be held in “permanent” structures for accreditation. Construction has started and completion of the new 10-classroom building will be dependent on fund-raising.


Most of the students are unable to afford tuition because their families tend to be subsistence farmers from the surrounding rural, agricultural area. Greentree Community Church provides ongoing support to bridge the gap between tuition collected and operating costs for the primary school. Grace4Kenya also provides financial support to help cover the cost of running the school and plans to develop a scholarship program for GKCA students and for those students who go on to high schools and universities.


Bible Faith Church

The denomination was founded by the late George Kendagor and is continued now by his sons and others. George’s son, David Kendagor, was brought to America by Central Presbyterian Church to earn a Master’s Degree in Divinity at Covenant Seminary in Saint Louis. Their intention was for David to return to Kenya to establish the Bible College and spread the gospel. Central continues to support David Kendagor and his work.

BFC Bible College

With the help of Randy Mayfield, the retired mission's pastor at Central Presbyterian, David returned to Kapenguria, Kenya to build and establish the BFC Bible College which trains and equips pastors to plant churches in the region.

Church Planting and Pastor Support

Students graduating from the Bible College earn a diploma in theology and continue to receive financial support as they plant churches. Central Presbyterian and Greentree Community Church, both located in Saint Louis, have been long standing supporters of the Bible College and BFC denomination. Grace4Kenya facilitates relationships between BFC and churches in the U.S. to help support the Kenyan pastors serving poverty stricken, rural areas. In addition to typical financial support the pastors often benefit from a motorcycle in order to cover their community.


Community Health Evangelism

will give communities a foundation by helping them improve their standard of living using local resources and training. Through CHE programs families will be able to improve financial stability and diversify income.

Vocational Training

Kapenguria Vocation Training Institute and others like it provide further education in trades like construction, carpentry, mechanics, food services, tailoring, electrical, and plumbing. Teacher colleges provide 2-year diploma programs for primary school teachers and Nursing schools also have 2-year entry level diploma programs.

Business Start-ups & Microfinance

This is the last aspect of the four-branched approach to be developed. Grace4Kenya hopes to empower the people to work their way out of chronic generational poverty by providing education, job training, potential employment, and to assist in the creation of new business ventures.